
This is our family's month long blog for our trip in Sayulita, Mexico. A small surf town 35 minutes north of Puerto Vallarta.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Early Reflections and Observations

Well, we made it back yesterday with the kids and I sit here on a grey snowy day in Park City with a cup of coffee wondering if the last month really happened. I've only been back in the house and have already realized some things. We live in a small house by Park City standards and have always wanted to put an addition on. After living in a smaller space for so long, I now realize that we don't even use the space we have and much of the space we have is filled with things we really don't need. Why have "bigger" when you can have plenty if you live "smarter". Improving the space we have will certainly be our first effort when it is time. Food. I've already had stomach problems with the food here. Bulky, starchy, processed food that is always within easy reach is giving my insides problems. I noticed this the moment I sat down at a sandwich place in the airport and out of shear necessity, downed a crappy lunch. In Mexico we tended to eat fresh whole foods that we shopped for daily and had to be prepared and eaten quickly. It kept our energy levels consistent most of the time too. Anyway, it will be a day or so before getting back in the flow of things and I'm sure I will have additional observations.

Very sad not to have my rooftop view of town while having my morning java. Ozzy

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